Some of my favourite memories of attending my annual hearing checkups was to read all of the books in the waiting room that had characters with hearing aids like me! It was often the only time that I ever saw hearing aids showcased in books or toys as a kid, and so I loved getting there nice and early to enjoy the short time I had with them. I also remember the only time seeing “ear devices” on TV was when they would zoom in to a singer on stage that was being filmed. I remember my younger self being so excited to see that they were wearing a bright coloured ear mold and I assumed that meant they were hard of hearing themselves. I later learned that it was simply a custom mold to protect their hearing, but I was still happy nonetheless- so if that doesn’t represent how little hearing loss was showcased in the media back then, I don’t know what will.
Fast forward over two decades, there are more options for children's toys and books that have hard of hearing characters or showcase their own features that may not be present on their peers. Here are a few great options that a younger me (and honestly the current me too) would have absolutely adored and I know several other young ones will too:
1) A Barbie with Pink Behind-the-Ear Hearing aids

I recently bought this Barbie for Christmas for my two nieces, as several members of our family are wearing hearing aids. I was extremely excited to see bright pink hearing aids on this Barbie (especially since it matches my own) and my nieces seemed just as excited as well. Something as simple as hearing aids added to a classic Barbie can mean worlds for a hearing aid wearing child and thus, I absolutely love this option!
Price: $11.00
2) Book: “Super Hearing”, By: Jennifer Whitehead

While I haven’t read this book myself, the reviews are amazing and I absolutely love the idea behind it. The synopsis describes the celebration of all children with varying hearing losses and the acceptance of these devices. It is written from the first-hand experience of a mom of a hard of hearing child and looks to have beautiful pictures as well.
There are also several other books on Amazon under the search engine “book with hearing aids.” I highly recommend checking them out on here if you’re interested!
Price: $16.80
3) ABC Blocks with Sign Language

This option is more expensive; however, I think it is great to see American Sign Language shown on ABC blocks. Several parents incorporate sign language into early language learning whether they have hearing loss or not. Having blocks with these signs encourages visual hand gestures through play and alphabet learning and also provides representation of this beautiful language to young learners. Wooden blocks of high quality are usually on the pricier side; so, it would be great to invest in a set with sign language if your budget allows. 😊
Price: $59.99
4) 3-D Printed Cochlear Implant & Hearing aid (Tindledesign on Etsy)

This Etsy shop creates many accessories for dolls that include cochlear implants, behind-the-ear hearing aids, and off-the-ear cochlear implants. There are several options for colours as well as left or right ear accessories. Having representation of a child’s own devices on their favourite dolls, toys or stuffed animals will potentially allow for further acceptance. It also creates discussion with their friends and peers who see these toys and I think it is a great idea!
Price: $8.30
Link for Cochlear Implant:
Link for Hearing Aid:
5) Colouring Book: "All the Ways I Hear You”

This book is offered as a less expensive PDF download in colouring page format. It contains several characters who wear hearing aids and other hearing-related devices that can be coloured and decorated as chosen. My favourite page as seen on the site contains the quote “the best way to hear is the way that works best for YOU” which is so meaningful and a perfect quote for all kids to learn. I think this colouring book would be a great addition to all art bins and would be cherished by every child regardless of their hearing status.
Price: $9.00
Hearing loss is often considered ‘hidden’ because hearing aids can often be covered with hair. It is still not very common for it to be represented in the media and is surprisingly still not easy to find toys that represent it. However, they are out there, and society is becoming more and more accepting of ear devices. It has never been so “cool” to have hearing aids than it is now with the technology that is available! Despite this, having toys that represent the diverse ways a child can hear, see, move, etc. are important to continue with this societal acceptance. I hope seeing these few options that I listed in this post helps spark further discussion about representation and maybe gives an idea for a birthday or Christmas gift for a little one in your life.